David C. Fritts

VP Atmospheric Research


Dr. Fritts is the founder of the Colorado Division of GATS, the most recent addition to the GATS family. A renowned scientist and researcher in atmospheric dynamics, Dave has broad experience in both theoretical and experimental activities. From organizing rocket campaigns in remote corners of the globe to chairing international committees on atmospheric science, he has had important and lasting impacts on all aspects of this field.

A tireless researcher, Dave has guided rocket and ground-based radar campaigns on six continents, including CADRE (1990s), MAP (Innsbruck 1999), MaCWAVE (Norway 2002 and Sweden 2003), and Spread-F Experiments (Brazil 2005 and 2009-11). He has installed atmospheric radars all over the world, and is the Principal Investigator for the Na Lidar in the National Science Foundation’s CRRL network. As Interdisciplinary Scientist for the NASA TIMED satellite, Dave helped design this flagship mission now studying the dynamics and energetics of the middle atmosphere.

Dave earned his PhD from the University of Illinois, and has held faculty positions at University of Alaska, University of Colorado and Colorado State University. His many professional appointments include Associate Editor for the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences and the Journal of Geophysical Research, Chairman of subcommittees for the Middle Atmosphere Program, and President of the International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere.



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Dave Fritts
David C. Fritts

Colorado Division

3360 Mitchell Lane, Ste C
Boulder, CO 80301

Phone: 720-274-4744
Email: [email protected]